Transmission and Risk Areas

Japanese Encephalitis is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes, particularly in rural areas where rice fields and pig farms are common. Risk areas include India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and Southeast Asia (e.g., Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam). Travellers should consult health authorities to assess their risk based on their travel itinerary (NHS, 2023; GOV UK, 2023).

Who Should Get the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine

Travellers to Endemic Areas: The vaccine is recommended for travellers who will be in areas where JE is prevalent, especially if they plan to stay for more than a month or will be in rural settings.

High-Risk Individuals: Individuals at higher risk include those who are staying near rice fields or pig farms, participating in outdoor activities during the JE virus transmission season, and travelling for extended periods in endemic regions (NHS, 2023; GOV UK, 2023).

Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms typically become noticeable 5 to 15 days after initial infection. These can include anything form mild cold or flu-like symptoms to severe headaches, nausea or vomiting, confusion, fever and some patients experience seizures. Severe symptoms are linked to swelling of the brain. It causes around 17,000 deaths every year.

The Vaccination

Number of Doses: Two injections. The doses are typically given 28 days apart. A booster dose is suggested 12 to 24 months after the initial course.
When to get vaccinated: It is advised to get vaccinated a full 2 weeks before travelling to ensure maximum protection from day one.
Side effects: Common side effects of the vaccine include pain and tenderness at the injection site, headache, myalgia (muscle pain) and low-grade fever. These reactions are generally mild and resolve without intervention (CDC, 1993; CDC, 2023).
Children: The vaccine is suitable for most children, however, we only vaccinate children aged 12 years and older.

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